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    Wednesday, 21 January 2015

    Fireproofing Spray for Cable Fire Protection

    Posted by Fire Security System on 22:00

    As insurance companies and fire engineers clearly state, fires are no longer a calculable risk so protecting property assets and people is responsibility of contractors who actually develop the structures. Fireproofing is essential to stop fires on electrical cable, electrical cable penetrations and structural Steel. Fireproofing can be done via fireproofing spray, fireproof paint, fireproofing on steel and many more. Most common and easy way to protect is using Fireproofing spray on electrical cable, electrical cable penetrations and structural Steel. There are many ways to do Cable Fireproofing or Cable Fire Protection, but best use...

    Know about What Is Fireproofing?

    Posted by Fire Security System on 21:58

    In our routine industry world, we often come across a term called Fireproofing but how many people actually know what does that mean? Fireproofing is a Passive Fire Protection measure, refers to the act of making materials or structures more resistant to fire, or to those materials themselves, or the act of applying such materials. Applying a certification listed fireproofing system to certain structures allows these to have a fire-resistance rating. This does not really mean that an item cannot ever burn but it relates to measured performance under specific conditions of testing and evaluation. Fireproofing does not allow treated items to...

    Cable Coating: An Integral Part of Passive Fire Protection

    Posted by Fire Security System on 21:56

    Passive Fire Protection is one of the essential components of structural fire protection and fire safety in a building. Basically, Passive fire protection tries to contain fires, reduces the spread and averts damage to cables and circuits. Cable Fire Protection can be achieved through use of fire-resistant walls, floors, and doors etc. Passive fire protection systems must act in accordance with the associated Listing and approval use and compliance in order to provide the effectiveness expected by building codes. Cable Coating is one of the methods used in this effectively. These protection systems help in minimizing building damage to a...

    Firestopping and understanding of FS20 Firestop Mortar

    Posted by Fire Security System on 21:52

    A Firestop or Firestopping is a fire protection system made from specific mechanism used to seal openings and joints in fire-resistance rated wall and/or floor assemblies, on other word Firestopping is a Passive Fire Protection system installed to prevent the movement of flame or gases to other areas of a building through small concealed spaces in building components such is floors, walls, and stairs.. Firestops are designed to re-establish the fire-resistance ratings of wall and/or floor assemblies by delaying the spread of fire by filling the openings with fire-resistant materials. Unprotected openings in fire separations cancel out the...

    Fire Protection Coating - Fireproofing On Steel for Industries

    Posted by Fire Security System on 21:28

    What else is more appealing than steel as more and more buildings are using steelwork to display creative designs; so the imminent requirement of fireproof that steel with intumescent coatings is in high demand? Thin film Intumescent coatings for structural steel help the Architects and Engineers continue their creative vision and enhance the buildings aesthetics by letting their steel designs shine through. When it comes to fire safety, it is mandatory in building construction to offer suitable solutions and Fireproofing on steel is one of them but the process of Steel Fireproofing also includes government authorization. Normally preservation...

    Cable Coatings Have Many Benefits for Industries to Use

    Posted by Fire Security System on 21:23

    Cable Coating Fire Security Systems Cable Coating is also one of the most cost effective and maintenance-free ways to protect cables from fire. It is completely dependable because there are no electrical or mechanical activating devices to fail, no human error to be concerned about, no tanks to refill and no periodic maintenance. Cable Coating from Fire Security Systems have been tested and approved by FM Global and IEC 60331-21. This coating is ablative Fireproofing material developed to provide complete Fire Protection to grouped & bundled cables. Application of such coating helps in preventing flame propagation during fire outbreak....

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